Into The Wild
/If I am going to be honest, I am not much of an outdoorsy person. In fact, the furthest me and my family go camping is our sunroom where we have a"campout" with a futon mattress, carpeted floor, screened windows and a fridge only a few feet away. And despite all that comfort, it does not take too long for the "campout" fun to end and the reality of a cool and comfortable bed to set in. But, maybe going into the wild is exactly what we need.
If you’ve ever experienced the great outdoors in all its beauty, you may agree that there is something about being surrounded by undeveloped land that gives you a sense of excitement and possibly even a fresh start. But as great as it is, most people never experience the amazing landscapes or have any interest of going into the wild at all because it could be scary and is definitely uncomfortable.
If there was anyone who can tell you about going into the wild, it was Abraham. Abram was a truly ordinary and unremarkable guy. He was a lot like you and me. But he also became Abraham - the extraordinary and remarkable father of our faith. Three major religions, (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) more than half of the people on the entire planet, trace their beginnings and heritages back to him. Abraham lived a normal, comfortable and safe life. But then, God spoke to him. And what God said to this ordinary man was so extraordinary that it still impacts each one of us to this day.
The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:1-3 NIV).
The very first word God spoke to Abraham was “go.” It’s like God was saying, “Abram, I have something for you. But to receive it, you’re going to have to go. You’re going to have to leave what’s familiar and comfortable. You are going to a new land that you don’t know and you have never been to. You're going to have to go to a land that is ....wild!” That may not seem very significant to you, but it is. Because God knows if we want to grow we have to take the step and go. Sometimes, we need to take a step back before we can take a step forward. So the challenge for you this week is to ask yourself, "Which direction is God telling me to go"?
1.) Step Back.
Maybe you need to step back and look at the choices in your life. Do you need to go and apologize to your spouse, parents, a sibling or your children for something you have said or done? Taking a step back will allow your future steps to be clearer.
2.) Step Forward.
Maybe for you it's taking a step forward by repairing your family - treating them with respect even when they don't seem to deserve it. Maybe it means re-evaluating your career and making changes. Maybe for you, it means moving away from a friendship or a relationship that you know is not good for you or your future. Or it could be time to delete some apps or social media from your phone that are not helping you make wise choices.
If God could take Abraham’s one small decision of obedience to go, and use it to change the course of history, then the same thing is possible with us. He has a great plan for you! But first, you have to move. This means we have to trust Him enough to take a step in the direction He tells us to go. He’s a good God! He can be trusted. Even when we are being called into the wild.