Road Trip
/I have a dream of taking a family road trip of Route 66. A dream of driving from Chicago to Los Angeles and stopping along the way to see places I've never seen. Experiencing places like the Cozy Dog Drive-In in Springfield, Illinois and the vast beauty of the Grand Canyon. Seeing the colorfully painted Cadillacs standing on their heads at the Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, Texas. Staying a night at the Wigwam Village in Holbrook, Arizona. The excitement for me of this dream vacation is the road. No schedule, no places where we have to be and no family expectations or stress. Just me, Annie, the kids and the freedom of the open road.
But there is another side to road trips isn't there? The road trips where things happen that we don't expect or plan for. Trips that are filled with car sickness, blown out tires and missed wrong turns. Suddenly, we're going in the wrong direction. Whether you have experienced a great road trip or you avoid them - how and where you're going is important. Having a destination in mind is good. But if you don't know where to turn next, you may never make it there. And that is not only true when you are driving on a road trip, but also for your life. Your direction determines your destination.
Whether you consciously think about it or not, we all have some idea of a destination or an "end goal" for our life. Maybe for you it's getting married, being a parent or grandparent. Maybe it's climbing the corporate ladder or owning your own business. Maybe it's traveling all over the world and experiencing life to the fullest. We all have a sense of where we want to go in life. But how do we get there? Much of our life is spent focusing on taking the next step and asking "What now?" But what if the biggest step we can take is following the plan God has for us today? What if God truly cares about your life here and now. What could you be missing today that could determine your destination tomorrow?
If there was anyone who knew about the highs and lows of road trips, it was the Apostle Paul. Paul was on a road trip on his way to persecute Christians when he met Jesus. And that encounter forever changed the direction of his life and changed the course of history. Then, after becoming a Jesus follower himself, Paul begins to travel all over the world and tell everyone about Jesus. But, one of his road trips takes a drastic detour:
“That night Paul had a vision: A man from Macedonia in northern Greece was standing there, pleading with him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us!” So we decided to leave for Macedonia at once, having concluded that God was calling us to preach the Good News there.”
Acts of the Apostles 16:9-10 NLT
Thankfully, Paul listened. Paul's decision to detour to Macedonia allowed a whole new group of people to hear about Jesus. Aa a matter of fact, if it wasn't for Paul taking that unexpected road trip, we might not know Jesus today. That decision to listen and follow, when it was not his plan for the future, paved the way for you and me. Often we think "God's plan" is for our ultimate destination in life. Sometimes we can get so caught up thinking about the future that we forget that today matters. God cares about where we are going, but He also cares about what we are doing here and now.
Let's challenge ourselves to apply these 2 tips to our own lives:
1st-Listen for direction.
God has given us directions for our life. We can't think our way through, we need access to His plan by spending time with him. Spend some time this week reading the word, praying and worshipping. Be quiet and still long enough to listen to God speak to you. When you are given direction, act on it. Let the Holy Spirit be your guide.
2nd-Take the next right turn.
God has a plan for your future and He has a plan for your present. You do not have to know all the directions to your destination today. All that is required of you is to trust God enough to take the next right turn. Where is God calling you? What is the next right turn to get there? What could change today with your family, your career, your health or your friends by making that next right turn?
When you follow Jesus on this road trip of life you will find yourself changed. You will show love to people who need it the most. You will bring joy to other people's lives. You will make peace with people you thought you could never forgive. You will demonstrate patience and kindness to everyone. You will produce good in your life and in the lives of others. You will show faithfulness to Jesus. You will become more gentle and demonstrate better self-control. As you take steps towards Him, you will find He is taking you on a road trip better than Route 66 or anything we could ever imagine.