Are Your Roots Showing?

Are Your Roots Showing?

Have you ever tried to grow something? If you plant your seeds in a

shallow pot, the roots will not develop properly or to their fullest potential.

Many times in the spring you can see where seeds from trees have fallen

into the gutters of a home. These seeds try to take root and begin to grow.

But because they have no room to take root, they only grow a few inches

tall. A tree will only get as tall as it’s allowed to root.

Ephesians 3:17 says that we are to be rooted and grounded in love! I

believe that all of the issues of the world can be resolved in these 4 little

letters: L-O-V-E! If you are angry at the world: check your love level, you

may have shallow roots. If you are believing for healing and it has not

come: check your love level, you may have shallow roots. If you are

needing circumstances to change in your life: check your love level, you

may have shallow roots.

Now how do we change our root level? With the WORD! You put more of

His Word into your life and your roots will grow deeper. Be a doer of the

Word and not a hearer only (James 1:22) If you do the Word, your roots will

grow deeper. And it will only happen by putting action to our love and our


In Matthew 19:19, Jesus said to love our neighbor as yourself. How do you

do this? By being observant to your neighbors' needs. If you see they need

help carrying in groceries, offer them assistance. If someone has fallen,

lend them a hand. Love gives to others. John 3:16 shows God's ultimate

gift of love in His son Jesus. Jesus, being the Good Shepherd, willingly

layed down His life for His sheep (John 10:15.) He suffered and tasted

death so that we would not have to (Hebrews 2:9.) And with this, Jesus left

us a new commandment in John 13:34 and that is to love one another as

He has loved us.

Now I know what you are thinking: it can’t be that simple. But it truly is…

Love conquers all! Jesus’ whole life was one of servanthood. Servanthood

is giving of yourself expecting nothing in return. His whole life was our

ultimate example of love! So as this Easter holiday comes to a close, we

should continue to follow our Lord’s example. Show your roots of love in

everything you do!


Susan Stricklin