Keep, Keep, Keep...
/Keep, Keep, Keep
Have you ever sat down and looked around your home? I mean truly looked around. When did we become obsessed with stuff and keeping said stuff for an eternity? The other day, while looking through our spice cabinet, Andy found a tupperware container used for storing spaghetti. He asked if we used this item or needed it and proceeded to put it on the counter. Now keep in mind that this item was purchased when we got married, over 30 years ago. (Because let’s face it, tupperware is always needed.) Anywho... when we were first married, it was only the two of us and we didn’t use a full box of spaghetti when fixing dinner. Fast forward 30 years and we are lucky to not use 2 boxes in one meal to feed the whole family. This item has not been used in at least 10 years, yet it still remains within the ranks of our plethora of plastic kitchen storage items.
This reminds me of a scripture. 2 Thessalonians 2:15 which says, “stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught.” Now I know you are laughing, because holding on to tupperware items is not what this scripture means. But it does show us that what we do in our everyday life is mainly a taught or learned tradition. Something maybe from a parent or grandparent. And there are some traditions that you have no clue why you even do them. It reminds me of a story about a little girl that asked her mother why she cut the ends of the ham off before she cooked it. Mom said, “I don’t know, my mom always did it.” The little girl asked grandma why she did it and her answer was the same. So then great grandma was asked and her answer was simple, “My pan was too short, I don’t know why you do it though.” Too often we are just doing learned behavior because everyone else is doing it.
Romans 12:2 says that we are not to be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind. To renew the mind implies restoration to freshness or back to an original state. This means that we can perform a factory reset our thinking back to what God originally intended it to be. God’s word is that reset button. It will renew your mind, your body and your soul. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 says may the God of peace
Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless. I thank my Heavenly Father daily for His tender mercies and the ability to change my thinking from the world’s way to His.
Now mind renewal is not totally on God. He gives this freely, but we have to put action to this gift. We have to change our ways, put off the old man as it says in Colossians 3:9. We have to perform the mind renewal by letting go of the old thinking. It’s not easy, but it is possible. That doesn’t mean putting the tupperware items in with a pile of other items that you intend to sell in your next yard sale (which also hasn’t happened in years.) It means letting go of the things that are clouding your mind and/or life.
So as I actively pursue mind renewal, I’m letting go of this tupperware item, directly into the recycling bin. I won’t get there overnight, but baby steps will keep me moving in the right direction. My next intervention will probably be within my coffee cup collection. Please send prayers in my direction.
Love in the Lord,
Susan Stricklin