Strange Times
/These are certainly strange times and even though it looks like there's light at the end of the tunnel, we still have a ways to go. But how are we supposed to survive?
Just as if you were on a plane that has lost cabin pressure and deployed the oxygen masks, you have to take care of yourself first before anyone else. If you aren't fit mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically, you won't offer much assistance.
Whether you're working at home or on the frontlines, a single or full-time parent, all alone or have a house full, you MUST make God first! This is the baseline for everything in your life as well as anything you do. If you aren't spiritually balanced, everything else will fall apart. Start simple by praying or reading the Bible, you just need to find a way to connect with God. Remember Rome was not built in a day. Allow Him to love you as only our God can and let Him in so He can change your life.
Mental and emotional health go hand in hand. If you suffer from a mental health condition, the current circumstances can aggravate your symptoms. Please remember God's got you! Try unplugging from social media and the news, as these outlets can trigger you. Take time to unwind, find something fun to do, center yourself, binge watch a show, get crafty, enjoy a bath, have something yummy to eat, start/finish a project, get a special treat and most importantly stay connected. We humans need connection and during this time that is tough. Thankfully technology affords us the ability to reach out to others so we can fill that void. Make sure to check in on your friends and family not only for their health, but yours too.
The Bible teaches us that our bodies are temples and to honor Him by taking care of our physical health. Now this doesn't mean if you have some extra pounds to go out and run a marathon. That actually could make things worse. However go for a walk, take a bike ride, check out one of the many online workout classes and just plain take a hike... literally! Getting yourself moving will kick up your endorphins, the chemical that is produced and released in your body. This helps to alleviate pain or stress, and boost happiness. Basically find a way to get up and move! It can help you feel better.
Getting all aspects of your health in check will absolutely change you as well as your outlook on life. Take time for yourself, you deserve it. Find the things in life that bring you joy, hold on to it and never let it go!