Spring Cleaning
/I am not a clean freak. In fact, my mom would probably have some things to say if she was being open and honest about my housekeeping skills. We have been at our house for over 11 years and brought 4 beautiful, mess-making kids into the mix along the way. And while we keep up with daily housework, once I decide to do “Spring Cleaning”, I begin to feel like every drawer and cabinet in my house has “issues”. The same is true with keeping my heart clean. Here are a few things I have learned when digging in:
1. You will find something you’ve been holding onto.
Whether you realize it or not – it's been there collecting dust. For me, it was the tooth whitening strips in my bathroom cabinet that expired in 2006. Seriously though, I went through a time in my 20’s when I was holding on to “unforgiveness”. Whether I chose to look at it or not, it was there. It would show up in the most inconvenient and ugly ways – a glaring look, a snide comment, a hateful thought. It sounds simple, but for me, forgiveness was the most difficult thing to do. But, just a few short weeks after writing a letter to my dad telling him I was letting go of the hurt and resentment I had for him, I met my wonderful husband, Russell.
“Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” - Ephesians 4:31-32
2. You will find something valuable you didn't know you had.
You might find a box full of old things that take you back to another time and place. Memories that tell the story of your life. Don't throw those things away, but stop and appreciate their value. Take time to think about the big and small moments where God came through for you and then share them with others. Not everyone may share our faith, but if we simply tell our stories, people listen and God is glorified.
3. You will find something you thought was lost forever.
For me, it’s finding the match to a sock or the long lost remote to the stereo. You may find a talent that you’ve had all your life, but you haven't used in a while. Something that once brought you joy, but is a little dusty and rusty. When I was young, I wanted to sing – I was in choir, talent contests and sang harmonies all the time with my best friend, Mary. As an adult, God has used that talent by giving me the opportunity to lead worship. God didn't just make you to live a full life during the “good ol' days”. He came to give you an abundant and exciting life each and every day.
“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” - 1 Peter 4:10 NIV
4. You will never have room for the new until you get rid of the old.
God wants to do new and exciting things in your life. Do a self-assessment. Is there “junk” collecting dust inside of you? Give it to God – let Him come into your house and do the work for you. He is full of grace, mercy and love and we will never shine brighter than when our Creator gets to use His creation (You) for what you were made for.
Faith, hope & love,