Where Do We Go From Here?

As we begin this new chapter in this life-changing year of 2020, I believe there’s no better way to do so then to look to Gods Word for answers. Let’s see what He says for us to do and to be, for the good news is God’s Word hasn’t changed. 

So let’s consider two verses from the book of Hebrews. 

The author is writing to his local Church Family as they were going through some troubling times in a similar way as we are, saying to them:

“Let us consider how to inspire one another to love and good works, encouraging one another, and so much the more as we see the Day approaching.” - Hebrews‬ ‭10:24-25‬ ‭

This two word phrase: “The Day,” is a phrase used throughout the Bible in reference to the Messiah coming again at the end of this age. It’s a reference to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

The writer of Hebrews is using this prophetic word: “the Day of our Lord’s return approaching”, as a means of inspiration for us to be all the more encouraging to each other! Not as little as we can if we are seeing this Day approaching, but a whole lot more so!

Of course, the condition to the inspiration is if we are seeing that Day approaching. 

I recently had an every day experience of something approaching and yet was unaware that it was doing so. It happened early this spring as I started to cut the grass and noticed how a particular tree with its overhanging branches had no leaves on it yet; none…zero…no leaves. 

So I thought to myself, “where’s the leaves?!”

Then after that day, for whatever the reasons; I thought no more of it. I paid zero attention to that tree and it’s no leaves, like it wasn’t even there; although I cut the grass several times since.

Until one day, a couple months later, while once again mowing the lawn; I realized I was now under a shadow from the sun. I looked up, and what do you know, that tree had fully sprouted its leaves. This immediately had me thinking, “Hey, when did that happen?” It seemed like it had happened overnight, like instant leaves!

But not so. 

Actually, those leaves had been approaching that whole time, it was just me who had not noticed them coming until they were there. To me, it was like an instant happening, but that wasn’t the case at all. 

It was me who had not been paying attention. If I had been looking for those leave every day, paying closer attention, then it wouldn’t have been such a surprise. 

That “here comes the approaching of the leaves experience” got me thinking (which I believe the Lord used to get my attention). From what I can see in the scriptures, there are 2 conditions Christians can be in at the moment, spiritually speaking:

1. Unaware of this approaching Day of our Lord’s return and taken off guard/surprised.

2. Encouraging one another as we do see this day of our Lord’s return approaching, and all the more so as we see it approaching!

This helps our seeing it coming: our encouraging one another, keeping each other awake and ready.

Jesus said it this way in Mathews gospel: 

“And the Son of Man will send out His angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other,

Therefore, learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as it’s branches become tender and it’s leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is near.

So also, when you see all these things, you will know that He, the Son of Man, Jesus, is near, right at the door...”

-Matthew 24:31-33

Seeing the Lord hasn’t come through that door yet, let us keep encouraging one another, and all the more so, for it is approaching!

God’s Word says it like this in Ephesians 4:

“Let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth, but only that which is good for building others up, that it may give grace to those who hear.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:29‬ ‭

As Christians… as part of our local church family, in light of our Lord’s return, what do we do now?

Where do we go from here?

Well, let’s:

1. Inspire one another toward love and good works.

2. Encourage one another.

3. Build each other up. Not down, but up!


That it may give grace to us who are hearing each other’s encouragement and support of one another! And we need more grace, now more than ever! We have a part in sharing that grace with one another and all the more so as we “see” the Day of our Lord’s return approaching. 

So heads up! 

Keep looking at that tree. 

Those leaves are about to blossom!

Pastor Jeff