
Sometimes it can feel like social media is the perfect outlet for everything we want to say, believe, and feel. The positive. The negative. The hurtful. But, the danger with social media is that we do not have face to face interaction. It can feel like the words we write or feelings we have are less powerful and less harmful than if they were said face to face. But the truth is, what we say, what we gram, what we tweet, what we snap, what we post - matters. 

Social media has changed the way we communicate and spend our time. Some of it is good and positive. A lot of it, is not. In fact, it can feel like what we post on social media is more important, more significant than what we say in person. But what we do on social media has the power to speak life or death into someone's life. So what we choose to post is a big deal! 

And believe it or not, the Bible has something to say about what we post. Paul writes in Ephesians and encourages us at the end of his letter to live out our faith, to stop lying, control our anger, to stop stealing, work hard and to be generous. All good life tips and wisdom. And then he focuses on the importance of what we say to each other. 

Ephesians 4:29 (NIV):

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

If Paul were writing this today, he might write, "Do not let an unwholesome post or pic come out of your phone." We don't use the word "unwholesome" in conversation today. But it means something is rotten, corrupt or worthless, and able to destroy and do harm. I know it sounds dramatic, but it is true. Our words: spoken, written or typed can do harm and destroy. But they also have the power to do the opposite.

Our posts have the power to build up, encourage, inspire and bring life. We don't have to try to change the world through our social media accounts. But we can ask, "Am I representing God and the love of Jesus with this post?" Because what you post matters. So think about that when you decide to post. I will too.
