The Orange
/There is an excellent balance of systematic forces happening within and upon planet Earth, not to mention within our solar system and the universe itself, forces that are making it possible for Earth to be a habitable planet. Now, this is happening to the degree that if this balance of power were to be affected negatively in just the smallest way, then Earth would go into chaos and cease being the habitable planet that it is presently.
For example, Earth’s Moon, our satellite, is part of this larger balance of forces making Earth habitable, meaning our Moon is just the right size, weight, and distance in its contribution to Earth’s living conditions. So take our Moon away, and Earth would eventually cease being the habitable planet that it is now.
This effect is because our planet, as a domed biosphere, needs particular help and assistance for it to be that way. So who’s responsible for setting this up? Putting this help and assistance into place so that Earth is what it is today;
“A Domed Biosphere Planet Capable Of Supporting Life.”
Or, we could ask, “who” made sure all these necessary conditions, which are needed for a planet to be habitable, came to be?
I’m not asking “what” made sure of this, but “whom” made sure, and knew what they were doing would work out in our favor. Also, whoever this someone might be, we at least see how this someone is very much into the details of life.
For example, our bodies have lungs that need air, and we happen to be living on a planet that produces this air we need. Our bodies need water to survive, and we happen to be living on a planet that produces this water we need. Our bodies need food, and we happen to be living on a planet that produces this food we need. Our bodies need certain chemicals and vitamins, and again what do you know, we happen to be living on a planet that produces these micro chemicals and vitamins we need.
Think of it this way, just take vitamin C off Earth, and all of us would die.
As one article I read put it:
“...vitamin C is considered an “essential” vitamin because we simply must have it in our diet. Without it, we cannot make collagen and our tissues lose integrity, bones become brittle, we bleed out of various orifices, and our bodies basically fall apart.”
So we could have everything we need on Earth to survive and just take vitamin C away, and you get the picture. Thankfully, whoever’s behind our domed-biosphere-life-supporting planet, didn’t forget this essential little micro-organic compound.
Can you imagine, if they had set everything up just right, put us on Earth, and then we all died, only later to discover, “Oh, we forgot the vitamin C!”
Jeff W.