As of July 7, 2020, Governor DeWine’s Office issued an order requiring people to wear a face covering in any indoor location that is not a residence. He also revisited this order again in his recent conference on July 15. In our best effort to comply with what our authorities have requested, we are recommending that anyone attending our in-person service wear a mask.

This does not apply to children under the age of 10 or anyone with a condition that prevents them from wearing one. We recognize there are situations that may preclude some people from wearing a face covering. As the order instructs, it is not our place to enforce the policy, so we encourage and trust each person in making the best decision for their situation and to respect the decisions of others.

Please know that no one will be turned away from our building, but we want to do our best to comply with what’s been asked of us. Thank you for your understanding! 

We can’t wait to continue to worship together in person with you! If you are uncomfortable joining us in person, you can worship with us online every Sunday here:


These measures have been put into place to try and keep everyone safe and protected:

  • Hand sanitizer and masks will be available. 

  • All touched surfaces will continually be cleaned and sanitized before, during, and after service. 

  • We will observe social distancing including seating and row spacing in the auditorium. Persons from the same household sitting together will help us maximize our seating during this time. 

  • Water fountains will not be accessible and there will be no coffee or cafe service.  Feel free to bring your own.   

HOW YOU CAN HELP:         

  • If you have health concerns, symptoms, or if you or a family member does not feel well; please stay home and worship with us online. 

  • Wash your hands often. 

  • Maintain a distance of six feet between yourself and others (please no hugs or handshakes at this time).  If you want to visit with others, please do so outdoors to help with safe transitions. 

  • Be flexible! Be sensitive that everyone is in a different place at this time and show grace toward one another.  


  • Our Phase-1 re-opening will be a Family Service with everyone meeting together in the auditorium. Nursery, preschool and elementary classes will not be available. But don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten about them. We still have great videos and resources for your kids to use at home.  Check it out here:

  • Pointe Youth will continue to meet online via Zoom - Sunday Nights @6pm.  


  • There will be no passing of offering buckets. Drop boxes will be placed at the back of the auditorium for those who wish to bring their offering.

  • We encourage you to continue to give online or send in by mail to:

    4555 Marshall Road, Kettering, OH 45429 



Follow Lifepointe Church on social media for updates via YouTube/Facebook/Instagram/Twitter here:


While we exercise wisdom in keeping ourselves and loved ones safe, we know that divine health and protection is from Jesus. Let’s continue to trust in His promise of Psalm 91:

 “Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling.” - Psalm 91:9-10

We look forward to seeing you!