We are going to have a very special “Drive-In Communion Service” on Good Friday, April 10th, from 6:30-6:50PM. This is a way to physically be present with one another during Holy Week while safely honoring the rules set forth by our Governor and President.
Here’s how it will work:
You will enter from the YMCA side parking lot and be directed by volunteers to park 6 feet apart facing the picnic shelter.
You will never leave your vehicle. This includes you Holy Kiss folks. You know who you are. Make sure to use the restroom before you leave home as the buildings will be closed.
You will bring your own communion “bread” and “wine”. This can be whatever you deem fitting for you or your family. We do, however, discourage whoever is driving from having real wine! This will be a communion we will cherish and remember.
Pastor Jeff will lead us in a short time of Worship and Word and then we will receive communion together.
You will exit on the school building side parking lot with an opportunity to give your physical tithes and/or offerings in black barrels placed at both sides of the exit.
We are excited to get to “see” you this Easter season and pray together as a church family for God’s supernatural touch, intervention, and healing for our cities, country, and world.